
We are the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK: connecting UK Buddhist organisations and individuals since 1993.

The Network of Buddhist Organisations UK (NBO) was founded to promote fellowship and dialogue between UK Buddhist organisations and individuals, facilitate co-operation in matters of common interest and to work in harmony with Buddhist and like-minded organisations such as the European Buddhist Union.

Why do we need the NBO?

During the 20th century a very diverse range of Buddhist traditions became well-established in the UK and Buddhism began to permeate British culture.

In addition to traditions with roots in Asia, we have new Western Buddhist movements, and increasingly secularised forms or offshoots of Buddhism arising from the growth of mindfulness and compassion practice as tools for promoting health and wellbeing in many areas of life.

Buddhism makes a considerable contribution to UK life today, not just in the areas of mindfulness and compassion. In particular, Religious Education frameworks include Buddhism as one of the six major UK faiths to be studied in schools and Buddhist chaplains offer support and care in hospitals, prisons, educational establishments, the armed forces and other bodies.

Safeguarding children and adults from harm continues to be a major focus for all faith communities and is a key governance duty for all Buddhist charities.

The NBO promotes all this work and more. Join us!

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