European Buddhist Union

The NBO has been an active member of the EBU for over 20 years.

The European Buddhist Union was founded in 1975 as an umbrella association for European Buddhist organisations and national Buddhist unions in Europe. The vision of the EBU is to create a fellowship of European Buddhists bringing Buddhist ideas and principles into European society. It is open to all schools and traditions of Buddhism in Europe wishing to unite on the basis of Buddhist teachings and work together in spiritual friendship and respect for diversity.

There are now over 50 member organisations from 16 European countries. As the our delegate to the EBU, NBO trustee Jamie Cresswell works on behalf of NBO members and contributes to Buddhist work at a European level.

In 2008 the EBU obtained official participatory status with the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations at the Council of Europe.

Through its activities the EBU aims to facilitate international exchange and promote spiritual friendship amongst European Buddhists; to support social action and ideas motivated by Buddhist values; and to offer a voice for Buddhism in Europe and worldwide.

The European Buddhist Union is guided by an international council elected by a general assembly of all member organisations. The present council was elected for four years in September 2024.

Over the years the NBO has been part of a  number of initiatives including human rights and education at the Council of Europe, meetings and conferences with the European Commission and Parliament, Buddhist and multi faith conferences across Europe and in Asia, Interfaith dialogue and action.

Membership of the EBU is open to individual groups as well as National umbrella groups and pan European groups. If you would like your organisation to join the EBU please apply using the procedure on the EBU website.
