A Year of Service

A Year of Service and
the Diamond Jubilee

Would your organisation be willing to organise an event during the Diamond Jubilee year in July 2012?  Each major faith community has been offered a month in 2012 in which to organise inclusive events based on various themes. The Buddhist community has been offered a month – July – in which to run events that have an environmental theme.

You may already be involved in social action or in running events around this time – perhaps linked with Dharma Day (Asalha Puja Day) – in which case these could be registered for A Year of Service.

If you have an idea for July 2012, and want to take part in A Year of Service, then please let us know. You can propose something you are already planning or something new. If you register now, you will get recognition and publicity for your work through interfaith and government channels.

We expect that major UK Buddhist organisations will want to take part in this initiative either individually or in partnership.

Please register your interest (and a description of your event if you have one) by email to:

secretary [@] nbo.org.uk  (remove apces and [ ])

Ideas for Projects

The theme of the ‘environment’ lends itself to many interpretations. Since the Buddhist community are organising events in July, the weather should be good (!) and so outdoor volunteering activities should be possible.

You may have your own grounds in which work could be undertaken:

  • Clearing areas
  • Planting tree, plants or vegetables
  • Establishing vegetables, fruit,  or garden areas
  • Working on community farms

Or find an existing project and provide volunteers. You need to tell them that you are faith based volunteers. Information can be found at:

Note that existing projects such as those above will have insurance for their volunteers which makes things simpler.

You may also want to interpret ‘environment’ in a broader way – for example as social or community environment – and, of course, this could still include a diamond jubilee picnic or meal as part of the event.
