Buddhist Action Month
Buddhist Action Month takes place in June each year. It encourages us to look to the world and take positive action.
There are many troubles in the world. Much of the world lives in poverty. There is violence against individuals and groups of people. The climate crisis continues to unfold causing extreme weather events. We are destroying habitats. We are in the midst of a global pandemic.
As Buddhists we are called upon to alleviate suffering. We can do this through directly offering Buddhist practice and teachings, through maintaining our own practice, and through directly addressing the causes of suffering in the world.
2021 Theme
The theme for BAM 2021 is Lion’s Roar: Speaking up in a Troubled World
Speaking up might look like writing to your government representative, it might look like signing a petition, it might look like sitting in the road protesting, it might be speaking up locally by helping at a food bank or befriending a neighbour, or it might be speaking up for living beings through actions like changing your diet or bank accounts, it might be speaking up for those whose voices aren’t heard.
The Buddha roared the lion’s roar when he spoke truth, with confidence and in a way that inspired others. How can we speak with those same qualities?
The BAM Handbook
Download the 2021 handbook now. Full of ideas and inspiration for Buddhist Action Month.
June 16th Buddhist Action Check-in Meeting
1900 – 2000 BST
What action are we taking, and how are we doing? A sharing and listening space. Online on Zoom.
Topic: Eco Dharma/ BAM
Time: Jun 16, 2021 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89780113525?pwd=K2hTbmIrY2Z2UnBIenZ0cmxJbk92dz09
Meeting ID: 897 8011 3525 Passcode: 540603
European Action Day
On June 5th we’re inviting Buddhists from across Europe to join us in dedicating their practice to relieving suffering in the world, and if possible, to practise in a public place and be a symbol for peace. Download the information pack now.
Green Buddhist Action Days
The Swedish Buddhist Community invite you to join them in committing to at least one plant-based diet day per month. Download their invite now.
What you can do right now
- Download the BAM Handbook
- Look at this list of Ideas for Action
- Download the European Action Day information pack and join us on June 5th
- Download the Green Buddhist Action Days (plant based day) information
- Sign up to the BAM newsletter – we’ll let you know as soon as the handbook is ready
- Download the Events Planning Guide
- Start talking to your local centre or group about Buddhist Action Month
- Connect with existing groups that are dedicated to social engagement
- Join the BAM Facebook group
- Browse resources we collected last year
- Look at the BAM resources on Buddhism and the Climate Crisis
- Have a look at the special offer for BAM participants from Ethical Consumer magazine
- Check back on this page for updated resources and the handbook.
- Drop me a line if you want to ask any questions. Email Kaspa Thompson at bam@nbo.org.uk
BAM was founded by the Network of Buddhist Organisations in 2012. Individuals, groups and centres take part in June each year. Initially a UK initiative, groups from across the world now take part.