You are invited to the NBO annual gathering and AGM
Saturday 17th November 2018
2-5pm North London Buddhist Centre
72 Holloway Road, Highbury East, London N7 8JG
Our theme this year will be Buddhist Action:
what it means and how to promote it.
Come together to consider the importance of Buddhist action, taking practice off the cushion. What inspires us and how do we inspire others to respond to the current challenges in our society and environment, as well as our personal circumstances?
Is Buddhist action more than acting with compassion in everyday life? Can we do something collectively to make positive changes to the lives of ourselves and others. What is the best way to use our effort and resources?
Buddhist Action Month, held in June each year, is an NBO initiative to promote Right action.
Together we will consider the choice of theme for BAM 2019 and how to take BAM forward more generally, as it spreads to more Buddhist traditions and even to other countries.
There will be refreshments and a chance for networking and socialising. All welcome!
Open to members and non-members.